Saturday, November 3, 2012

I got 99 problems and Newt Gingrich ain't one.

           I have been wanting to write and record some music on my own but I am never satisfied with what I come up with, especially lyrically. BUT I think that the problem is that I have this notion in my mind that people just walk around and have an idea pop into their head and they all of the sudden write a great song/book/poem/movie/essay/stand up routine. I doesn't work that way. Perhaps the initial Idea comes from no where, but there has to be serious dedicated work to producing anything worth while. So that is what I am gonna do start making myself pay more attention and work harder. 

          So this is the new goals for self improvement:
  1. I will be dedicating time to writing music and giving my full attention to it at that time.
  2. I have a list of 100 Books I want to read and I need to get started on them, considering I have a tendency to add more to the list at any time.
  3. I think I want to Run a 10k. I think it sounds like a good idea. I have never heard someone say, "God I really wish I had not Run that race, it really ruined my day/week/month/year/life".
  4. When It comes to practicing guitar I want to be able to play 25 blues/rock and roll songs to my satisfaction.
  5. I want to improve my writing. I want to write short stories/essays/research proposals and anything else I think would be interesting. I need to spend time each week stories and such with no interruptions just like writing music.
  6. I want to Increase my leg strength. I played Prop in the last Rugby Match I played in and It was awesome. I liked it much more than hook but if I want to play it well I really need to work on my endurance and leg strength. This goal ties in very well to goal number 3.
  7. I have been growing my hair out for quite a while now. I want to be able to donate a full head of hair. It has to be 11 inches i believe so that one is out of my control but I will continue to work at it.
  8. I want to be able to cook good healthy food. My room mates are great cooks and they are able to make great healthy food on a fairly small budget. 
  9. I really want to participate in some ethnographic research. I think it would be great to assist someone or perhaps do some independent undergrad research but I really don't know how so that is something I will need some help from people i look up too.
  10. Someday I want to be a Professor. 
  11. Who has 2 thumbs and wants more tattoo's and perhaps a nose piercing? This guy! Yeah i said it a nose piercing. I think they are awesome and it is a great way to challenge social gender norms!!! That is something we should all do as much as possible.
  12. I want to be able to approach new people and say, "hello". I know that seems like a simple goal but for me it is terrifying. 
  13. I have thought about trying to join an improve troupe again. I was speaking to Zach in our room the other night and we were talking about improve and it made me miss it so much. Perhaps I will look into it. 
  14. Though I have made many improvements I want to continue to work on being as honestly myself in public as possible. To speak my own voice and not be afraid. To not hold back. To make myself be heard. To stand up for what I think is right or just.
  15. I have such a hard time keeping in touch with people I care about and this is something I really want to get better at. Perhaps making 3 phone calls or skype dates with people I care for that I have not spoken to in a long time. 
  16. I want to do 50 hikes this summer. I know that is a lofty goal but I think it is totally reachable. I would love to know the whole of Logan Canyon like the back of my hand.
  17. I want to rock climb. That is a simple one. 
  18. I want to join more student clubs at USU. I love being on campus and I would love to be involved in more clubs and groups.
  19. I would like to do more work with the social issues I believe in. Fighting for equal marriage rights. Fighting to delete offensive language from everyday American English.
  20. I want to speak another language. I want to speak spanish.
  21. I want to get my bachelors degree within 3 years. 
  22. I want to apply to grad school within 3 years.
  23. I want to have a rock and roll band that plays shows on a regular basis.
  24. I want a dog. Someday.
  25. When I have more money I would like to get a car again. It sure is nice at times.
  26. I want to brew my own beer.
  27. I would like to become learned concerning wine.
  28. I want to travel to another country and continent. South America sounds cool and Australia and Europe I guess. Africa seriously Africa!
  29. I want to meet Barack Obama and shake his hand. That is a dream.
  30. I want to Hike the Appalachian trail. Or maybe the pacific coast trail.
  31. I want to become a better snow-boarder. And no I don't mean living in a house made of snow silly. I mean that thing I do going down hills when I look like grizzly bear that has got its feet stuck in the door of a log cabin and then fell down a mountain.
  32. I want to have set foot in every state in the nation. And perhaps all the territories and other things the united states owns. 
  33. Improve my writing/grammar/spelling. It would be nice if everything I write was not covered in red squiggly lines.
  34. I want to be able to fly fish and I want to be able to do it without looking like a total nimbus.

Well these are my goals. Wants, wishes and desires. I don't know if anyone else shares any of these but if somebody would like to join me on completing any of these that would be totally appreciated. I think with teamwork people are able to get things done faster and easier. So if you share any of the same interest let me know. For your health!

Also if you read to here thank you so very much for reading. I don't really know what a blog is supposed to be, but I just like to put stuff on here because. Perhaps people like reading it perhaps not. Eh.     


  1. i share many of the same aspirations. include me.

  2. ammo! your list is such an inspiration and makes me want to think about my goals and dreams and start writing them out. i think i will do that! all because fo you. love you!
